
I will retrurn!

I know, I know... "Where the heck of you've been Mr. Benhur?" Well time and fate she's a devilsh mistress! I'm not back from my vacation just yet! I know, I know its the new year and I promised some more rants! Above is evidence that I'm still alive and well, although you don't get to see my real identity!

I still have to take care of a few things before I get back to regale you stories of the Asian and Asian American plight. I have been keeping up with my comics and yes I am sad about the ending of Agents of Atlas. (I'll tell you about that comic in my next entry)

For now kids, keep your head up and allow me some more time to just get things settled. I have herculean labors to attend to, but it should not take me much long to over come them. Until then folks! Keep watching the stars!

Read more comic books, PLEASE! Why?

Harvey Pekar needs money and Frank Miller needs an Oscar!

See you Soon!


Tim Gebhardt said...

Is your vacation anything like Al Bundy's:

Al Bundy's Vacation

Or is it more like when he partitions off the living room with dog fences and his family can't speak to him while he watches movies...?

Benhur said...

Yes and No, I don't have people picking me up after I get of the couch. Pain is my welcome party!

Anonymous said...

what's up Ben? It's Victor from DePaul. Not quite sure how I ran into your blog but it's pretty cool. I see you use to work at the Chicago Tribune. Your department is getting outsourced to India. I'm currently with the Desktop Group... you know the glass castle. Small world. well it was nice running into you. Take cares!

Benhur said...

Hey good to hear from you Victor. Tell the faithful at the Trib that I love them! I'm back doing what I did before somewhere else! But if you ever a need of a hero, be sure to look me up!